The attorneys of Oats & Marino are both counselors and advocates. As counselors, we advise our clients of their options, creatively and thoroughly. As advocates, we pursue our clients’ interests in adversarial contexts, aggressively and professionally. We take an interdisciplinary approach, moving between these roles as necessary to address client needs, while searching for solutions across practice areas and beyond traditional options.
Our attorneys focus on quickly and accurately analyzing matters brought to us, developing options for handling, and timely responding to client inquiries and needs. We learn the business of our clients and work within their philosophies. Depending on a client’s needs, we are proactive or serve in a more advisory capacity. In consultation with our clients, we match the resources dedicated to each matter with its importance. Many of the matters entrusted to us and the amounts in controversy warrant a team approach to combine our skills and experience. Each client is provided a single point of contact to manage all work, though clients can also contact other team members directly. Matters more appropriately handled on a cost-containment basis are assigned to individual attorneys. We seek to minimize expense while ensuring the quality of our representation.
We see professionalism and advocacy as complementary responsibilities, not conflicting goals. We demand ethical behavior of each other and our counterparts. We balance aggressive advocacy of our clients’ interests with contemplative and creative approaches to solving their problems and capitalizing on their opportunities. Our attorneys understand the business advantages of certainty and settlement, but are experienced, prepared, and ready for contest when a reasonable compromise cannot be reached.